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At iSmiles Dentistry, we believe that achieving excellent oral health involves more than simply avoiding cavities. We are dedicated to providing our patients with state-of-the-art dental treatments and services that prioritize convenience and comfort. By utilizing the latest techniques and materials, we strive to create naturally beautiful smiles that are not only healthier and happier but also long-lasting. Our commitment to cutting-edge dentistry means that we offer a comprehensive range of advanced dental treatments that can help you achieve the complete smile you desire.



Electronic Dental Records

We utilize an integrated practice management system that includes Electronic Dental Records. By using a paperless system, we can provide electronic charting, digital imaging, and improved case presentations directly at the chair side where it is most needed. This allows for efficient and accurate record-keeping and ensures that all necessary information is easily accessible to our dental team when providing care.

Digital X-Rays

The use of Digital X-rays provides significant benefits in terms of early detection and preventative dental services. With advanced image manipulation and analysis, our dental team can identify early signs of gum disease by recognizing changes in bone level or comparing results to previous treatments. This allows for proactive and effective treatment to be administered before more serious issues arise, promoting better long-term oral health.


IntraOral Camera

The use of an intraoral camera is an essential tool for both diagnosis and education. This tiny video camera moves around inside your mouth and captures a detailed video examination of each tooth. By using an intraoral camera, patients can gain a better understanding of their dental needs by seeing exactly what the dentist sees and having it explained to them. This visual aid allows for clear communication between the patient and dentist, leading to more informed decision-making and better overall dental care.


Using lasers is a non-invasive method for stopping the advancement of periodontal disease. After the initial scaling and root planing procedure, a laser is utilized to drastically reduce the number of bacterial colonies and decontaminate the infected periodontal pocket. Additionally, lasers can eliminate the infected tissue lining the periodontal pocket. As this tissue is removed, tiny blood clots form and the body's natural healing process takes over. During the healing process, the tissue reattaches to the bone, and the gums return to a healthy and infection-free state.


Cone Beam Computed Tomography

Cone Beam Computed Tomography (CBCT) is a highly advanced and reliable technology that allows for more precise three-dimensional (3D) imaging, resulting in more accurate diagnoses and treatment of oral health conditions. Unlike traditional 2D X-rays, 3D dental X-rays obtained through CBCT can reveal issues that might otherwise go undetected. By producing images that are easier to visualize, CBCT aids in providing a better understanding of oral health conditions, facilitating informed decision-making and optimal treatment planning.

Radiation-free Cavity Detection- Itero

Itero 5D is a dental technology that uses 3D imaging to provide radiation-free screenings for cavities and tooth fractures, as well as aid in dental restoration, orthodontic treatment, and implant planning. This is particularly beneficial for patients who cannot tolerate traditional X-rays, such as pediatric, pregnant, and special needs patients, as well as those who are concerned about radiation exposure. The advanced imaging provided by Itero enables more accurate diagnoses and treatment planning, resulting in improved patient outcomes.

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Painless Dental Injections with CALAJECT

The CALAJECT™ is a computer-assisted local analgesia device that can benefit both dentists and patients by reducing pain and discomfort associated with dental injections. With CALAJECT, patients may feel less anxious and more comfortable during their dental procedures, which can make the work of the dentist easier.

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